Selling IULs without the Total Advantage System is simply a waste of your valuable time and prospects.
Learn how to work smart - not just hard. Check out the video below.
Enables you to professionally and impressively compare qualified, non-qualified and Roth strategies with any IUL.
PROVE IT! Don't just say that an IUL is better, prove it.
SIMPLE to understand laser-focused IUL comparison & analysis system.
CRUSH all objections, concerns, myths, rumors and doubts.
GENERATE referrals by increasing your prospect's trust & confidence levels.
CAPTIVATES your prospects building rapport, trust and confidence.
EASY to learn and use.
PURPOSE-BUILT by advisors for advisors for your IUL sales success.
QUICKLY & EASILY imports illustration data (including fees) from any IUL carrier.
EDUCATES & DISTURBS your prospects, creating a natural affinity & sense of urgency.
RETIREMENT-READY-OR-NOT ANALYSIS built-in to increase your professionalism.
TURBO-CHARGED IUL ANALYSIS included for your lump sum funding scenarios.
AFFORDABLE for you with monthly & attractive discounted annual subscriptions.